Head shot of Vice President 将辛普金斯

Dr. 将辛普金斯 is the Vice President for 皇冠体育官网 at Metropolitan State University of 丹佛, leading student engagement and wellness initiatives, enrollment management services, and workforce development and industry partnerships for a vibrant, urban campus in one of the United States’ fastest growing cities.  Dr. Simpkins’s previous experiences in higher education include career services, student activities and leadership, 多样性计划, and civic engagement in both public and private institutions in New York City as well as serving on the faculty of the 教育al Leadership in Higher 教育 program at Montclair State University.

在密歇根州立大学丹佛分校. Simpkins created the C2 Hub, an innovative program that meets student and industry partner success needs.  With over a dozen Industry Navigators, 50多位同侪导师, and initiatives that reach students in high school, the C2 Hub is 密歇根州立大学丹佛’s signature student success program.  Dr. Simpkins has also built or invested in programs focused on student equity, 学生访问, student basic needs support, and community engagement.

Dr. Simpkins is currently a Senior Impact Fellow of the Aspen Institute Leadership Development Index and serves on the Executive Committee of the Metro 丹佛 Economic Development Corporation.  He was previously appointed to New York City’s Manhattan Community Board 9 (West Harlem) by Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer in 2007, serving two terms with involvement in health, 治理, 分区问题.    He has served in a number of leadership roles in professional organizations, including national co-chair of the LGBTQ Knowledge Community of the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators and the Idealist.org 在校园 Advisory Board.

Dr. 辛普金斯获得了Ed学位.D. in Higher 教育 Administration from New York University’s Steinhardt School of 文化, 教育, 与人类发展, with a dissertation that examined the college experiences of bachelor’s degree students who receive welfare (TANF benefits) in New York City.  他还拥有硕士学位.Ed. in 咨询 and Personnel Services with a concentration in student leadership development from the University of Maryland and a B.A. in English with concentrations in creative writing and cultural studies from Virginia Tech.


阅读博士留言. 将辛普金斯 as he shares his thoughts with the 皇冠体育官网 branch throughout the year.
